
Thursday, May 10, 2012

Garden Events & Classes

Tall bearded iris ‘Belgian Princess’
(photo courtesy of Schreiner’s Gardens)
May 18 (4-8pm), 19 (10am-7pm) & 20 (noon-5pm) – Home & Garden Show (Newport).

May 19-20, 11am-4pm – Three Open Nurseries, Rare Plant Research (Oregon City)—Begin your tour at Rare Plant Research with its Mediterranean, tropical and succulent plants, many of which are only available here. Linger to visit the 12th century-inspired stone castle and its rock gardens. This is an annual, once-a-year event where three nurseries and gardens are open at the same time on mile long Criteser Rd. near Oregon City. Click here for more information.

May 26, 10am-4pm – Inviting Vines V—a tour of private Lake Oswego-area gardens featuring clematis. Benefits the Rogerson Clematis Collection. Tickets on sale at

Through June 3, dawn to dusk – Schreiner's Gardens Open Gardens (Salem)—Schreiner's is the nation's largest retail grower of Iris, with 200 acres in nearby fields and 10 acres of fabulous display gardens open to the public.

Through June 15, 9am-6pm – Adelman Peony Gardens (Salem)—Walk the fields to see heirloom and new varieties blooming.

Photo courtesy of James Wrathall
 CLASSES (unless noted, classes are free)
For a complete list of classes and workshops, visit the Web sites of these Garden Centers & Nurseries:

Al's Garden Center (Gresham, Sherwood, Woodburn)
Bauman Farm & Garden (Gervais)
Cornell Farms (Portland)
Dennis' 7 Dees (Cedar Hills, Lake Oswego, Portland, Seaside)
Egan Gardens (Salem)
Farmington Gardens (Beaverton)
French Prairie Gardens (St. Paul)
Garden Fever! (Portland)
Garland Nursery (Corvallis)
Hughes Water Gardens (Wilsonville)
Joy Creek Nursery (Scappoose)
Oregon Garden, The (Silverton)
Portland Nursery (Portland)
Red Ridge Farms (Dayton)
Rogerson Clematis Collection (Lake Oswego)
Shonnard's Nursery/Florist/Landscape (Corvallis)
Smith Berry Barn (Hillsboro)
Terra Gardens Nursery & Bark (Salem)
Tsugawa Nursery (Woodland, Wash.)

May 12 (also offered June 2 & 16), 9am-1pm – Garden Boot Camp, Rosemound Farm (Hillsboro)—Whether you are a novice to the wonderful world of horticulture or a gardening guru, Jenna Bayer's Garden Bootcamp is a fun and interactive way to help you create your garden dreams come true. You will learn the basics of maintaining plant health, soil structure and chemistry; how mulch can be your best friend; design and layout; plant selection; and how to deal with pests and pathogens. The class is held at the 30-acre Rosemound Farm and includes refreshments. Cost: $140. Register online.

May 12, 11am – Little Sprouts: Herb Planter for Mom, Garland Nursery (Corvallis)—Kids will plant a gift for mom that continues to give throughout the year. Different types of herbs and how they can be used will be discussed, then each Little Sprout will plant a herb pot to give to their mom for Mother's Day. Registration required by calling 541-753-6601. Cost: $5 per child.

May 12, 1pm – Garden Gems with Dan Heims of Terra Nova Nurseries, The Oregon Garden (Silverton). Cost: garden admission.

May 12, 1pm – Vertical Gardens, Garden Fever! (Portland)—No matter what garden show, magazine or blog you see, there's talk about vertical gardening, the newest way to "pot-up." If you have a spot in your garden or outdoor seating area with space restrictions, go up! Vertical gardens are living art and Randy Raburn has created a simple and elegant wall-hanging planter to get you started with this newest trend. How-to lecture at 1pm; 1:30pm workshop (purchase a vertical planter and plants). Reservations are required by calling 503.287.3200.

May 14, 10am – Berries for the Home Garden, Smith Berry Barn (Hillsboro)—Owner Rich Hilder will focus on how to grow the best varieties of berries in your own backyard with expert advice on growing, maintaining and harvesting to ensure an abundant supply of berries year after year. Farm tour and demonstrations included. Each participant receives 20% off all berry plants on day of class.

May 17, 5:30pm (also June 21, July 19 or August 16) – Grilling in the Garden Dinners, French Prairie Gardens (St. Paul)—Delight in the bounty of seasonal flavors where farm fresh produce and meat are the stars at dinner. Stroll the gardens with a glass of Oregon wine or craft brew in your hand while listening to local musicians before sitting down for a locally-made three-course feast. Cost: $30 per person (beer and wine sold separately; gratuity not included). Reservations required by calling 503.633.8445.

May 19, 11:30am – How to Grow Tomatoes, Smith Berry Barn (Hillsboro)—Nothing says summer like fresh tomatoes, but growing this popular summer fruit can be tricky. You'll receive growing and harvesting advice, as well as information on the many varieties available. Each participant will receive 10% off all tomato starts on the day of class.

May 20, 10am-noon – Art of Tea Making, Red Ridge Farms (Dayton)—Learn the ancient art of hand processing your own tea from the traditional tea plant (Camelia sinensis) grown right here in the Pacific NW! In this introductory class, local tea master Balazs Henger will discuss the diverse varieties of tea that can be made from the same plant and demonstrate the process for making white, green, black & oolong teas. Learn all aspects of making tea from growing your own plants, harvesting the leaves, processing them, and finally brewing. During the class enjoy the opportunity to taste these delicious and aromatic teas. Cost: $35 per person. Reservations required by calling 503.864.8502.

May 20, 11am-12:30pm – Naturescaping, Portland Nursery (Division St.)—Learn the principles and practices of Naturescaping with expert Lora Price of Design With Nature. She will teach you how to create a "nature inspired" backyard that works with nature, not against it, all while saving you time and money. Naturescaping creates habitat for birds, butterflies and bees, helps you reduce water use, decreases stormwater runoff, eliminates the need for chemical garden products, and much more. Lora will also introduce you to various native plants that are both beautiful and perform well in our urban gardens. Click here to register for this class.

May 20, 1pm – Hebes for Northwest Gardens, Joy Creek Nursery (Scappoose)—Hebes are small evergreen shrubs from New Zealand, which come in a wonderful array of colors, textures, and sizes. The numerous species and cultivars of Hebes have varying degrees of hardiness but many varieties are outstanding for our region. These will be examined and how to use them in the garden, including tips for making them thrive, will be discussed.

May 26, 2pm – Gardening with Pets, Dennis 7 Dees (SE Powell location)—Have pets and want a beautiful yard? Think one has to be sacrificed for the other? Learn how pet-friendly landscaping is easier than you think. Pets, especially dogs, want to roam and claim your yard as much as you want to garden in it. Methods for making in this relationship work will be discussed, including plant choices and safety, so both you and your furry friends are happy. Click here to register.

June 2, 1pm – Vegetable Gardening, Bauman Farms (Gervais). Call or email to RSVP.

June 2, 2pm - Brunneras & Other Shade Perennials, Egan Gardens (Keizer).

June 9, 10am-noon - Beginning Bonsai, Terra Gardens Nursery & Bark (Salem)—Class includes instruction, Bonsai starter tree, a pot, book and the tools and supplies needed to get the tree started. Join a fun and interesting journey into the world of Bonsai. Cost: $40 pre-registered; $45 at the door. All tools and materials supplied.

June 9, 1pm - Dirt Cheap Gardening with Marianne Binetti, The Oregon Garden (Silverton)—Class will be held in the Education Center. Cost: garden admission.

June 16, 10am (Woodburn) & 1pm (Sherwood) – Hardy Fuchsias, Al's Garden Center—Learn from Clarence Berger, SW Portland Fuchsia Club, about the many different varieties of hardy fuchsias that can take northwest winters and will return year after year in your garden. Class covers planting tips and how to keep hardy fuchsias blooming.

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