
Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Conifers on My Mind

Cathaya argyrophylla.  Photo courtesy of Buchholz & Buchholz Nursery
I’m thinking a lot about conifers these days, in part because I’m contemplating registering for the American Conifer Society Western Region Meeting (Oct. 18-20 in Sonoma, Calif.). I want to hear the stories behind the conifer collections and their role in the protection of endangered species and see lovely and important botanical gardens. The ACS Western Region officers and program folks have done all the hard work by scouting and planning a wonderful tour of gardens. I can’t think of a better way to learn about conifers than surrounding myself with conifer enthusiasts and experts when someone else has made all the arrangements!

Another way to learn about conifers is to sign up for Talon Buchholz’s Flora Wonders blog. He’s an expert conifer and maple man (and owner of Buchholz & Buchholz Nursery, a wholesale nursery in Gaston, Ore.) and often shares his insights and knowledge in his musings. He knows a cool plant when he sees one. So if you have conifers on your mind—or want to—connect with Talon and learn more about conifers and his other interests.

1 comment:

  1. Conifers are more or less my favorite trees. First landscaping related class too, was Evergreen ID, back in 1982, and most were conifers. May even repeat that class this year or next at the PCC campus in NW Portland.

    If you ever get down near Arcata, CA, apparently they have a generous number of conifers on campus.

