
Friday, September 2, 2011

Question: What is 750?

Answer: The estimated number of tree species that are native to North America.

Oregon's McKenzie River
I’m an unabashed tree lover and tree hugger (literally). I wish I had a bigger yard so I could plant more trees (good thing I like the shady plant palette and a woodland environment is one of my favorites, because I have LOTS of shade!). Even though I love trees, I’m not very good at tree identification.

Trees are indentified by studying their leaves, seeds, and fruit. If, like me, you are tree identification challenged, there are some fun and wonderful tools at your disposal. The Arbor Day Foundation makes tree identification fun for the kids and grandkids, too! Check out their animated version of mystery tree identification.

Southern Oregon's Rogue River
Oregon State University has its own version of “What tree is that.” The site also lists the common trees found in the Pacific Northwest. Each genus page also includes descriptions of the species that occur, within each of the 56 genus, that are native to this region.

In the words of J. Frank Schmidt & Son Co., one of the largest wholesale nurseries in Oregon and bare root tree growers in the country: Trees are the Answer!

Question: When is the best time to plant at tree? Answer: Twenty years ago. The next best time is today!

What’s your favorite tree? Personally, I can’t decide...

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