Plants Make Life Better
Want to improve your quality of life? Get your hands dirty and plant something. That’s right, putting trees, flowers or shrubs in the ground doesn’t just provide you with beauty and shade, it can also improve your property value, lower your energy costs, clean the air and water—even lower your heart rate.
Latest Events and Gardening Advice from the Experts
When to plant depends on your region in Oregon
New gardening books from independent publisher Octopus Books
Portland Rose Festival, Portland Nursery announce official rose
Entice hummingbirds with a few magnets
Improved plant breeding leads to an explosion of Echinacea
All-America Selections announces winners for 2025
Find Your Inspiration

Explore Public Gardens
In a state as green as Oregon, you don’t have to venture far to find many amazing public gardens. Visit Oregon’s public gardens and find your inspiration!
Don’t Just Stand There … Plant Something!
Find your new favorite garden center, specialty nursery or landscape professional.